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I’m from San Martin de los Andes, Patagonia, Argentina.


For the last decade, I have been living in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Proudly father of two beautifull girls: Uma & Maélin. :)


I believe in the delicate balance between Order & Chaos: a place where Essential Dynamics can emerge. I also believe in the influence of the context on the individual, as well as the natural laws of ‘auto-compensation’. I believe in anger & joy, in death & life. And, in all that is beyond our understanding or translation into words: The ‘Unnamed’.

From there, I deliver my work to teams and individuals, in both the public and private sectors, for short or extended periods.

When I work, I utilize a toolbox of methods, techniques, and approaches, with systemic work being one of my favorites. It's through this method that I've witnessed and experienced the impact on teams and individuals of the unseen (under the iceberg). Individuals come to 'understand' and perceive their 'true' place in life, allowing streams of clarity and energy to flow through them, resolving old unsolved matters. It's truly amazing...


I experience it as creating the circumstances and providing the environment where time-space are main factors to let content and connection at the service of transformation. Through the years Taoism and Systemic-Approach have been the methods I adopted in my way of living and in my practice; Providing to my clients an Easter & Wester philosophical view of their current situation. 


When you work with me, you'll find me as someone who is completely present and assertive, embracing life in its entirety and daring to take you to uncomfortable and transcendental places.

-Thich Nhat Hanh- said once: 


“ My actions are my only true belonging. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which i stand “


As a professional with more than 15 years of experience in the field, I constantly choose to collaborate with other institutions and professionals to maximize impact. My collaborations range from delivering year-long training programs to single masterclass days or conferences.


In all of my collaborations, I carefully select partners and methods of working. Below, you can have a look at some of the current collaborations.

together for years...

2021- Heden.

School voor Systemisch Bewustzijn (SSB)


At the "School of Systemic Consciousness," I deliver three different year-long learning and educational experiences.

- Transcultural Systemic Work is a one-year educational program that aims to help participants develop their understanding of the transgenerational psychological impact on their behavior. Through this knowledge, participants can integrate all cultural and migration impacts into their daily and business lives.

- Systemic Martial Arts is a one-year educational program that equips participants with the ability to recognize their inner and outer movements, both in a physical and subtle manner. The program includes teachings from East and West Philosophy, providing a rich source of knowledge and experience for participants.


Parcivel Man  is a seven days training aimed to encourage the inner dynamic of a ‘Man’ to recognize, integrate and re-learn. Is an intense program where groups of 35 participants are given a serious amount of theory and practical encounters to achieve their new functioning as: business owners, freelancer and employers from a solid and integrated way. (This training i collaborate in development and i move a side in the delivering fase)

2017- Heden.

Olde Vechte Foundation


At Olde Vechte Foundation, I deliver two experiential learning experiences in long, extended training lasting 5-9 days in a row.


Beyond  This 5-day training is aimed at rediscovering all the hidden dynamics of your own family systems and transgenerational trauma. It's a highly intensive experience that creates the possibility to transform and sometimes transcend old patterns in order to flourish and function in life from a 'flow' perspective.


Constellations This learning training is aimed at all those who want to learn the craft of Constellations. The training is mainly experiential with minimal theory. Through this approach, participants immerse themselves in their own way and form of working. After the training, participants are ready to integrate the method into their work.



2020 - Heden

Rake Vragen - Siets Bakker

At "Rake Vragen," I deliver an intensive one-day training and expand the boundaries of Rake Vragen internationally.


- Translation Work: I collaborated on the translations of the card-set into Spanish, "Preguntas que Mueven." It was an amazing project to lead. Expanding this kind of knowledge into other countries and the impact of it.


- Intensive Day: The intensive day is aimed at highly experienced experts in the field. On this day, we dive into the most complicated matters. We use models and experiences to expand the understanding of the participants.

2023- Heden.

De Bewustzijnsfabriek 

At De bewustzijnsfabriek i deliver two yearly masterclasses. Aimed to increase the deepness of their alumni in the comprehension of energy, ruimte, resonantie. 


Ruimte-Resonantie  is a one - two days masterclass. Aimed to increase the understanding of the impact of 'place' and 'resonance' in the proffesional work of conduction people. 

2022- Heden.

De YesGevoel 

At De Yesgevoel i deliver a serie of 1 day, 2 days and couple work. All of the work is body-cognition based.


Yesgevoel Year training Through their training, I deliver a masterclass and specialization where participants can enhance their professional functioning.


Yesgevoel Intensieve 12/48  This is a highly intensive experience lasting either 12 or 48 hours, where participants delve into their deep traumas from a body-mind perspective. It is conducted in small groups.


Yesgevoel Couple-work:  This is a method and work conducted in a private context where we explore the boundaries of the healthy dynamics of the couple relationship and encourage rediscovery of their most healthy space.

2022- Heden.

Zwier - Ontmoet je Echte zelf​

At "Zwier," I deliver three different experiential retreats. All of the experiences are aimed at combining body, spirit, and cognition work together. Highly intensive.

- Avond Reis It's a one-night event where we combine breathwork and systemic work to enrich the daily experience of the participants. We repeat this experience monthly.


- Ontmoet je Echte zelf is a 48-hour experience aimed at rediscovering your depth and reconnecting with the joy and healthy segments of your current life.


Ontmoet eindelijk jouw echte zelf is a five-day experience aimed at expanding your creativity and liberating all sorts of expressions you are willing to bring into life.


2022- Heden.

Breekjaar - Tussen jaar

At "Breekjaar," I deliver a 10-month training program for youth. I'm a senior trainer providing weekly support to their youngsters.


- Breekjaar - Tussenjaar: I deliver weekly process work to their youth participants. Together with my team, I lead a group of 30 youngsters (aged 18-22) through a series of activities, programs, theories, and experiences to support them in making future life choices.

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